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12:43 25/05/2016

As bad as the news is about shares being issued at 11 pence, it is worse that they are struggling to fill the order book. Once we suck up the bad news on the share price, we will have to look forward and move on, and that means hoping the order book is filled and that we end up with a hundred million euro in the bank and a plan to move forward. Whatever way you look at it, it would be a big achievement for a company in Providences's position to raise that kind of money

07:55 25/05/2016

Company takeover is ideal option, atleast we will breath and stop feeding our fancy board who acheived nothing except big words. Trust has gone, enough is enough

07:50 25/05/2016

He is misleading us for a while, he should be exited. Opportunity was given correct the course but he is back in same old way. Its a joke from 'Leader of Irish offshore

07:46 25/05/2016

Tony working in the interest of shareholders! Ya right!

07:09 25/05/2016

I guess he will raise enough to pay transocean. Which is probably the deadline lansdowne are referring to. He should just sell barryroe outright i think. Fund spanish point and drombeg with proceeds. He has no sense. I cant wait to see how much he does raise. Id love to know what is pitch is. Surely they are sick of hearing about barryroe.

21:50 24/05/2016

Shocker alright

21:40 24/05/2016

It looks like this is the end of any hope i was having. TOR has proven himself to be a failure. Born with a silver spoon and burnt all of us shareholders who worked for the money they invested. Im gutted.

19:33 24/05/2016

Again all the info is leaked through the press

19:33 24/05/2016

Meanwhile, struggling Irish oil junior Providence Resources is sounding out City investors for as much as $100 million with shares being offered at 11p each. They are currently suspended at 14p, but sources said the bookbuilding was struggling to meet its target.

19:32 24/05/2016
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