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17:35 03/06/2016

Europa CEO Hugh Mackay on the 2nd round of licensing awards: Europa CEO Hugh Mackay said, 'We are delighted with the offer of four Licensing Options in phase two of the 2015 Atlantic Ireland round against strong competition and further building our Irish licence portfolio. Subject to formal award, we will have a diversified portfolio of seven high impact exploration licences across three basins in offshore Ireland and representing a range of geological risk, hydrocarbon plays and exploration maturity. We look forward to providing technical information to the market once our offers have been formally accepted. Europa has a leading position in the Atlantic basins of Ireland; a region that has now emerged as a global exploration hotspot with major and mid-cap oil companies taking substantial acreage positions and associated work programmes. 'Europa was one of the pioneer companies who have played a role in reactivating industry interest in Atlantic Ireland and we feel that the entry of majors and super-majors is providing validation of our belief in Ireland's exploration potential. This is a hugely exciting moment for Europa and for the rest of the industry and we hope that exploration momentum continues to build and that at some point in the not too distant future the exploration potential is realised with a significant discovery.'

14:42 03/06/2016
14:31 03/06/2016

2nd round of licensing awards announced, pvr has been awarded but looks like europa did quite well they got 4 LO's

09:41 03/06/2016

Well am only guessing but would make sense to avail of low drill rates. Also one of them has to come good. If they all fail then we will be no more. anyway no one know yet.

09:19 03/06/2016

If thats true, its huge stakes they shouldnt adopt big bang approach need to look at an option how best value will be appreciated.

09:12 03/06/2016

I think/hope they will drill spanish point, barryrie, druid with schumlemberg

08:39 03/06/2016

Let company issue an rns, not really sure whats happening. I still see it can be backup measure

08:11 03/06/2016

With single stroke he is trying wipe off entire value of the company, can't believe if this really comes as RNS; company is trying to hide in a nest. Its quite sickening, the acts are deliberate and intensional on face he is talking a lot but not walk the talk.

07:50 03/06/2016

One of the last things that was mentioned before the share were suspended was that they were trying to put together a group of investors that would drill at Barryroe, so I would say that Barryroe is the most likely place that the new money will be used. The new investors must be fairly sure that they will be some return on their investment in the short term, as they would be fully aware of the history of Barryroe. As mentioned before perhaps some play with the natural gas. Whatever it is the case for investing must be good as one hundred million is a lot of money to be putting into a oil exploration company at this time. Also worth mentioning that when they said that they were trying to put a group of investors together to drill at Barryroe, they forgot to mention that the farmout terms would be eighty five percent of the entire company.

21:06 02/06/2016

Wont be for a special dividend anyway desperate! 😞 Maybe a bonus for senior execs with begging bowls.

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JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG... JOIN BLACK LORD 666 ILLUMINATI OCCULT TO MAKE MONEY +27787917167 IN GAUTENG, KWA-ZULU NATAL, NORTH WEST, FREE STATE, MPUMALANGA, EASTERN CAPE, NORTHERN CAPE, CAPE TOWN, SANDTON, ALBERTON, JOHANNESBURG, EDENVALE, SOWETO, KEMPTON PARK, CARLETONVILLE, DURBAN, KLERKSDORP, BENONI, GERMISTON, RANDBURG, BOKSBURG, NELSPRUIT, TEMBISA, USA, UK, SOUTH AFRICA, SWAZILAND, ZIMBABWE, UGANDA, KENYA, BRAZIL, BELGIUM, GERMANY, AUSTRALIA, AUSTRIA, MOZAMBIQUE. I WANT TO JOIN TO BECOME A STRONG MEMBER OF RED BROTHERHOOD OCCULT IN SOUTH AFRICA FOR RITUAL PROTECTION, INSTANT MONEY REWARDS, RICHES, PROSPERITY AND BE MORE SUCCESSFUL AND COMFORTABLE IN LIFE!! CALL +27787917167. I know exactly how depressed you feel today. The suffering into your life and family and the pain you are going through every day and the endless tears of your broken heart. Your cursed with black magic and witchcraft and Demons into your life. You are chained to the Dark World of unhappiness and debts. The dream beach house that you want to buy and happy marriage or that successful business you wanna start seems impossible. You've tried all the help you could afford to at least be happy but things just go bad. How many years are you going to live this life? A Life full of debts, poverty, unhappiness, relationship problems. Call / WhatsApp Priest +27787917167... Offre de prêts entre particuliers sans fraude. E-mail : Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dans le prêt entre particuliers, je vous informe que beaucoup de précautions ont été prises afin d’assurer et de garantir les personnes qui font les demandes de prêt. Mon taux d’intérêt est unique et il est non négociable, fixé à 2 % sur la valeur totale demandé. J’aimerais aussi vous demander de faire très attention aux offres venant d’Afrique (Côte d’Ivoire, Bénin et autres), car presque toutes les personnes avec qui j’entre en contact ont déjà été victimes d’arnaque. Ces arnaques ont tellement pris de l’ampleur à tel point que même les chaînes de télévision en parlent. Mon offre est sérieuse, vous pourriez vous en rendre compte à travers la procédure qui est la procédure légale d’octroi de prêt entre particuliers. De grâce, j’aimerais être contacté par des personnes sérieuses, étant en mesure de rembourser les prêts. Les remboursements débutent 3 mois après que les fonds soient virés. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-moi par mail : [email protected] Faites votre demande de prêt en 48 h maximum. Offre sérieuse et honnête. ... Re: ACTA Stream Log Vu les nombreuses arnaques qui existent de nos jours dan...