Providence Resources - PVR Stream Log

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14:02 19/12/2014

could be news at 2.30 then some big guns just bought

14:01 19/12/2014

Are we about to blow!!!!

10:43 19/12/2014

The year end statement is a regulatory announcement, so per their response they will have to issue. Past issue dates ranged from the 19th to 22nd of December. If they're later than that, then two conspiracies could apply i) deal nearly signed and they're hoping to include in statement ii) deal still "nearly" and "imminent" in PVR speak and RNS will be issued Christmas Day in the hope no one notices. Personally, I like the look of option i)

10:28 19/12/2014

Perhaps, but it took almost seven hours for the reply , no action at all this morning ?

09:42 19/12/2014

Any chance you got a generic response?

09:33 19/12/2014

I emailed yesterday " As a share holder can Providence advise if we will have a end of year statement this week ?"

09:15 19/12/2014

Shadow, PVR verbally told a caller last week that the year end statement would be issued today or early next week. Alpha, as such your question very relevant.

17:58 18/12/2014

Hi Shadow, was your query for a statement specifically related to Sequa or general PVR/BR? Thanks...

17:11 18/12/2014

Hi Shadow, just my usual conspiracy theories drop me a line on [email protected] if you want to hear this one

17:07 18/12/2014

HI JREwing , Yes emailed them this morning. any thoughts ?