It is always darkest before dawn and fortune favours the brave. Whether you like it or not PVR share price has been decimated. If you believe the competent persons report then PVR is a great risk reward investment opportunity. If PVR does execute successfully deals for Barryroe and Spanish Point then sentiment will dramatically change. The stock will air pocket higher. Institutions and retails investors alike will be net buyers. Market makers will re-initiate positive research and coverage and brokers will peddle the story again. Warren Buffett is famous for buying when everyone else is selling/scared and he sells when everyone else is buying or being greedy. PVR is now a very compelling risk reward investment. Forget about all the 'noise' - focus on the technical reports - place your bet and step away for 12 months. Invest only what you can afford to lose - this is a binary investment - but the upside is now a multiple of the downside from here - for every euro you may lose if PVR fails you could possibly make 4-5 euros if they succeed . You cannot say that about many stocks.
Spuddy - if he has not learnt his lesson and he is going to sit and wait on a figure he determines there will never be a deal - 4 parties in the data room will put a value on it, and he has to accept one or go quietly into the night early next year.
I'm ploughing in even deeper - While deeply disappointed with BOD, I don't believe they can lie as consistently and as publicly as this board suggests. I believe I will get back some of my MASSIVE losses in near future - sadly will NEVER see the full amount. I'm anticipating a value of circa £2 when things come to fruition, in whatever guise that may be.
Hi Spuddy, buoyed by your enthusiasm, and the fact that a lot of the ii's are holding their nerve, and also believing a deal will soon be done on BROE, I'm averaging down and going back in for another dip..... heres to solid and favorable outcome by the end of August..
Hi Godot, I haven't read anywhere that ONGC are definitively back in play. Titans report says there was 'chatter'. Obviously it would be good if they are interested and at the levels previously displayed but i can;t take full confidence from what sounds like murmurings. I hope they are for everyones sake but am still very wary that sh.t blinds.
Hi Mmmm think the fact that the indians are back looking at Barryroe is validation that its viable
Independent certification - Hi Spuddy, i'm not questioning whether there is oil in Barryroe, i'm questioning whether its actually genuinely commercially viable to extract it. It wasn't in the 1970's when Esso first found the oil. If there is a lot of fine combing going on with Geologists, engineers etc then i suspect there is not yet full confidence on the viability. Your most recent comment states that surely Ireland must be a good place to do business, if the field is viable and Ireland good for business then what is the hold up and why have previously interested parties walked away and participated in projects elsewhere?
Hi Spuddy, we can all view things from different angles. I have recently been told that senior told everyone there was oil at a location when there was nothing there. Has it been proven yet that Barryroe is commercially viable or is this a genuine oil field which is easy to sell as viable when it isn't actually? 500k per annum is starting to sound like a good incentive to sell this nonsense to the world.
i know much better use that board to comfort each other and tell dr*15$*eams, but how keep sense of reality?
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