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12:16 08/11/2015

I suppose Providence is the major licence holder for the Irish offshore, and I am sure that one day these fields will be drilled and going on the tests that have being carried out, there is a good chance that oil will be found. The question is will Providence be on the ones still in charge and how much oil will be found. The North Sea is coming towards the end of its life in one way, and I am sure that it has struck everyone that maybe the next big find is only four or five hundred miles south of Scotland. Perhaps the new investors have added new hope in that they have invested some monies here, but sure maybe they can write off the whole lot against tax if things do not work out. Pageant Holding complained in the beginning that the board were not investing more of their own money in buying shares, but after a month or so, they said that they were happy with the board. Once again it is hard to know. We will have to wait and see what happens, but either way the next six months will tell the story to a great extent. Anyway the whole story rests on getting a farmout, and that is really the only news that is going to move this share.

18:10 06/11/2015

I don't have access to iii else would have informed Jimmy to back off.

17:17 06/11/2015

I bet Jimmy on iii is been hired by some company, who really want to crush this share with all possible negatives and equally they would be discouraging other companies to cut the deal by providing non-existent info. All they want to scoop this company shares at possible low prices. Jimmy is real danger to this stock, he is feeding some of the info which isn't in public domain, PVR doesn't provide any info on adhoc basis info which isn't been revealed by them to public. Jimmy keep earning your bread, I expect every month salary n royalties been paid to you.

14:47 05/11/2015

Thanks - I was not aware of that. Is there any restriction on price and who they can sell them to?

13:31 05/11/2015

Mamms, what are the treasury shares you refer to?

09:22 04/11/2015

APC. multiple contracts no rns. [link] Oct 29, 2015 Advanced Power Components awarded UK franchise by TT Electronics (OPTEK Technology). Oct 26, 2015 APC awarded UK franchise by Libelium. Oct 22, 2015 Advanced Power Components awarded UK and Ireland franchise by Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG....

19:29 03/11/2015

Well at least the volume was high enough and most shares showing as buys, but then you would not know for sure.[link]

18:06 03/11/2015

While expected, this is the best and most significant news we have had in a long time and it had zero positive impact on SP. While little surprises me about PVR anymore, this does!

14:45 03/11/2015

I have a picture in my mind of Jimmy going door to door in Ireland, spreading the word of COMPARTMENTALISATION to the masses!

16:42 02/11/2015

Very interesting article and very hard to know what will happen. I saw on CNBC that Syria producing only about ten thousand barrels of oil a day, a very small player indeed. I suppose Putin would like to have influence in the region and aligning themselves with Iran is a good way of going about doing that. It is hard to know what will happen, but it will make the Oil Markets nervous .