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16:42 14/02/2016

saudi arabia wont last much longer with oil at $30 abarrel one half of their GDP at $750 billion was made up of oil at $100 a barrel their pop. at 31 million

16:36 14/02/2016

saudi arabia wont last much longer with oil at $30 a barrel

10:38 14/02/2016

Still there is no find it's a hope we are standing on

10:36 14/02/2016

Hi Spuddy, might be Exxon shown interest after massive finds near Canada during late 2013, might be there log data in previous drill would have helped them to retry at Irish offshore. Providence best option is takeover they have taken enough time; regarding Indian company I doubt would have interested to allocate blocks to them the competitors who got are big boys

08:49 14/02/2016

So many ifs n buts

08:48 14/02/2016

Hi Spuddy, if the log data was some what positive what would be the objective you think not to release is it to avoid bidders or to create a negative environment

01:01 14/02/2016

Does anyone else find it encouraging, given Exxon's involvement in Dunquin, that they've come back for licenses?

12:57 12/02/2016

I still think one of PVRs most valuable assets is their losses - any one of these companies making a decent discovery would get Barryroe for free by buying the company for the tax credits it holds.

12:42 12/02/2016

But why would they walk straight passed barryroe which is a find rather than exploration? That guy from tullow said the 'finds' would get the dough? I mean pvr needs cash. So these companies are going to be drilling all around pvr, pumping their money into exploration and yet the 'find' is ignored? Pvr is the only one witjout a dance partner?? Does it have std¿? Come on tony make me eat my words. Pull it out of bag. No one would be happier than me to be proven wrong!!

11:23 12/02/2016

When will we see the light, at the mercy of bluffmaster being paid high salary without any result