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14:31 15/04/2016

And moreover theren't big trades for pat 1 month, how did blackrock suppress this info if they sold earlier

14:30 15/04/2016

Lastcall, blackrock selling is more than one can perceive that too day before judgement

14:14 15/04/2016

A big player could buy this without even thinking. 300million to the first bidder....

14:13 15/04/2016

This has to be a take over target now. Potential of billions of barrels of oil and gas reserves. The amount of debt is tiny when put into perspective.

14:12 15/04/2016

Am hearing not much response from HO, and no one is replying. Need to catch them, blackrock reducing stake is smelling more than we think.

13:52 15/04/2016

This looks like orchestrated on us, stopping trade is scary.

13:05 15/04/2016

Hi Spuddy, Did you able to speak to providence, this looks like others had inside knowledge

15:27 14/04/2016

Any word from HQ? Are they still in jobs i wonder?

11:13 14/04/2016

They need sell assets to keep going, looks like everyone got lightening strike from our master.

09:37 14/04/2016

When did they know it was all hogwash? Before daddy sold?

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