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00:22 18/04/2016

@ Jimmy re: this went under the wire, I suspect you didn't even know this yourself until now. You were the very person who said, the independent NSAI best estimate figure of 346m barrels of recoverable oil would decrease as the prevailing price of oil decreased. That makes sense, but it shows an acceptance on your part that NSAI were estimating commercial recoverable reserves at the prevailing price of oil. Last time I pointed out you were technically incorrect on a comment you made about Dunquin, you failed to reply.

11:47 17/04/2016

When there is negativity Jimmy pounches on ... why cant he step back for a bit

11:45 17/04/2016

Hi there Spuddy, ideal option is takeover, tor played with us; sunday times today speak company is in the hands of god etc eytc the same outlet used to mention barryroe as a goldmine now they are describing differently. Anyway, its the board which was misleading us for a while and assuring things are imminent

20:07 16/04/2016

Ha ha too true atlantic. Though we do have the data room which is a hive of activity or so we are led to believe.

18:46 16/04/2016

Board need to cut down their salaries drastically and deliver before they get rewarded. We been hit back to back for years.

18:44 16/04/2016

From my view, board would have deliberately withheld this Info but If they able to pull the rabbit out of hat and pull us out of misery before share start trading it should be OK. But will they, so many assurances and plenty of time and opportunity which was misused by the management. They need bring their salaries

18:37 16/04/2016

Important: Info from other Board - Can all parties wishing to remove TOR Jnr email me with your stock holding at [email protected] As relayed last week - wheels are turning including the potential for a derivative action against the BoD as a whole re non disclosure of the Transocean case. Tks

10:56 16/04/2016

yes all we need is for TOR to make a deal and all will be well! Where have I heard that one before! the last three years has proven he is incapable of making a deal. even a bad deal would have done to get the ball rolling and keep the lights on. now he is under the cosh he will sell for far less than what it is worth. he has to. or else give up his salary. and that is hoping that barryroe is actually even worth a fraction of what we were told it was worth. which i have come to disbelieve. anyway the truth will out. and at least we are coming close to that. i can't see him slithering away from the facts for too much longer. the truth will bring some measure of closure for me at least.

10:46 16/04/2016

I think we should be OK, and survive this major setback. Seven million dollars is a lot of money when you do not have it, but there is a good few big investors here, so they should follow the money and keep the show on the road. The upside would be that this setback will hurry on a farmout of Barryroe, and the worst downside is that the shares will never be traded again. I do not think that is going to happen, and I imagine the longer the shares are suspended, ( which would be hard on the nerves) the better chance that a good deal can be done.

15:42 15/04/2016

WRES moving up"

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