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19:56 30/04/2016

Surely the only question you have to ask yourself is: Do you feel lucky , punk? Do ya? I dont feel particularly lucky but 5 billion barrels of oil?? Crikey! And yet shares are suspended and we need someone to stump up 7 mill? I'm not sure what to believe.

10:23 30/04/2016

I see the the fact that it has being two weeks since PVR suspended shares as reason to believe that there are ongoing talks with lenders and advisers, which is buying us time to come sort of deal. It may be a equity raise, but could also be a placement with a new investor, or talks to sell a share in Barryroe. Seven million dollars is a lot of money when you do not have it, but not an impossible sum to come up with considering the assets that are on view. It is interesting to note that if the oil price were one hundred dollars a barrel, people would be all over this company now; which would be mad in one way, as the price might be lower when the fields are being drilled. If anything, this is the right time to come into this company, as you have a raising oil price which will be maintained; as production will take years to get back. The case for investing by a big investor is overwhelming. Also worth noting that money on the balance sheet of big companies is always invested.

15:14 29/04/2016

Davy as can't know anymore than we know which is close to nothing

11:40 29/04/2016

Oh if this was only Tullow oil, while the oil price rises we are left in the dark yet again.

16:22 28/04/2016

$50 a barrel not far away - can only hope this is helping the situation.

16:00 28/04/2016

You are completely right, someone will make a fortune on Providence. When the reissue the shares, that will go a long in telling us if we will be involved in any future profits.

07:40 28/04/2016


20:34 27/04/2016

At least the improving oil price creates a good back drop for the ongoing talks.

14:53 27/04/2016

Data Room should be renamed as " spoof room "

13:49 27/04/2016


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