Providence Resources - PVR Stream Log

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11:23 09/05/2016

one thing I do believe though is that TOR will fight long and hard to keep PVR alive as I don't believe he will be offered a job anywhere else on that kind of money.

11:22 09/05/2016

I think though with all of these assets - and a company that can't actually monetize them - I'm surprised there aren't vultures sniffing around looking to pick up a few assets on the cheap. Especially the vultures one finds oneself in bed with...

11:20 09/05/2016

Who would buy the shares? TOR doesn't even buy them? I think I have in monetary value nearly as much as he owns. And I don't even earn a fraction of what earns. I don't know what is going to happen. I hope against hope that PVR survives. And even if by hoping I sleep a few nights believing my money still safe then so much the better.

10:22 09/05/2016

Mamms, I agree management decisions were bad resulted to this stage the current market is extremely challenging as bell weathers with huge debts get gutted out. Having said this definately we need to push the management for answers rather than foreseeing disaster scenario, if anyone put there genuine money will look forward positive news and you need to look through the prism and as well wider market situation. My request we shouldnt drum up and push management for answers

00:28 09/05/2016

Do these people has any bread earning modes?

00:24 09/05/2016

If the company in such a dire status will they be meeting at OTC and discssing about opportunities, oh boy common this is the heights to think whatever news to negativity. Some people on this board looks like they get benefited if pvr goes bust or shareprice drop further. I bet there are 3 such people on this board especially Jimmy n Mamms.

12:39 08/05/2016

Hope for the best expect the worst

18:40 07/05/2016

The fire is doubling in size, but thankfully it is moving away from populated areas. I think it goes to show how much the market is aware of the fine balance between supply and demand.

17:27 07/05/2016

Numbers quoted in paper make it difficult to see Corrib making much of a profit

16:21 07/05/2016

Despite the awful problems it's causing for those involved, this Canadian fire should also help to strengthen Providences position.

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