Providence Resources - PVR Stream Log

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18:16 20/05/2016

Petro River drilling in Antrim [link]

16:50 20/05/2016

Spuddy, I really hope at the last hour your optimistic take proves to be correct, if it doesn't then Benjamin Guggenheim's quote "We've dressed up in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen" comes to mind.

16:12 20/05/2016

Circle oil is about to go bust today its shareprice tanked, its about a year back or more Mr.Jimmy was advising circle oil is a better bet than providence. What does he say now.

12:18 20/05/2016

i can't see how this is going to come good i have to say..

12:18 20/05/2016

so if we can't renegotiate loan with melody we are then in technical default - they would have to tell us straight away wouldn't they? ie. close of business today or else monday morning?ie. if we haven't heard anything by monday can we assume the loan is being extended?

19:56 19/05/2016

It really is mindboggling with one day to go that we have been told nothing - if new arrangement not in place with Melody by COB tomorrow then it's Examenrship on Monday. My money is on the debt having been swapped for equity, with equity priced circa 7p and maybe a new US$20m credit line.

19:50 18/05/2016

I've circa 50,000 shares in PVR, thought they were great value at the time. My gut still says PVR will come good once we come out of this suspension with some positive news.

11:04 18/05/2016

san leon suspended its shares in january sometime. pvr and lansdowne only just over a month ago. i would think the two are entirely unrelated. i think barryroe is a dead duck for whatever reason i don't know. i'm hoping that druid and drombeg along with schulemberg are going to save the day for us. i expect massive dilution but hopefully we will survive.

16:12 16/05/2016

Are we any clearer on why all these companies have had their shares suspended? If PVR are spending 4 million every 6 months I'd imagine they are looking for tens of millions

05:04 16/05/2016

Sobeit, I believe they don't need a shareholder vote to raise funds trhough an equity raise as I believe PVR already the shares available from the last shareholder vote - I'm open to correction on this. An equity raise that dilutes shareholders significantly would be a kinda ironic way for TOR to deal with the threat of the dissedents!

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