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11:04 23/05/2016

It is proposed that the Share Capital Reorganisation be effected by each Existing Ordinary Share being sub-divided and converted into one New Ordinary Share of £0.001 and one Deferred Share of £0.049.

11:01 23/05/2016

It is becoming apparent nobody wants Broe

10:44 23/05/2016

In case leader comes with similar kind of massive dilution, it would be better to show him exit path. This shows Barryroe is not nearby or there might be issues to conclude deal due to whitegate sale or govt is on thin edge of majority

10:29 23/05/2016

Very unfortunate but not unexpected news from Lansdowne. Reading their RNS there is an admirable transparency which sadly lacking in PVR.

21:40 22/05/2016

I really hope so spuddy We will know more next week but i agree with all your posts As Derek Trotter would say You know it makes sense

21:19 22/05/2016

Surely tweni million would be plenty to pay our debts and to keep going while we wait for a farmout

21:16 22/05/2016

I must be a farmout as we do not need to raise over one hundred million in the near term

20:59 22/05/2016

Will be interesting to see over the next few days if PVR is capable of farming out an asset. If they can raise funds through a farm out the share price should rocket. If they attempt another share placing PVR will be writing its own death wish.

20:24 22/05/2016

I would nearly pay the premium to read the article, but I am sure we will hear more about it tomorrow. As they say today's newspaper is tomorrow's fish and chip wrapping. [link]

20:19 22/05/2016

100 hundred million. That means massive dilution or a stake in one of the oil fields. Hopefully the latter.

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