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17:28 24/05/2016

The funding agreement is the one hundred million euro mentioned in the Sunday Business Post. I think the Lansdowne statement confirms that Providence are engaged in a funding deal for barryroe, but just in case it does not happen it is as well to have the share issue in place. I suppose that also shows that they feel that even if the funding deal does not happen in the next couple of weeks, that is is worthwhile staying involved in Barryroe, as the funding deal will be done at some stage. At least we know that there is going to be some news either way in the next couple of weeks.

16:20 24/05/2016

Are we all agreed that PVR will trade again and all is not lost?

13:11 24/05/2016

seems like those 100mln just a speculation, kind of gossip- a way how tor trying to save his as

12:10 24/05/2016

I wish! I could do with some to calm my nerves!

10:28 24/05/2016

Sobeit, has pot been legalised?

08:34 24/05/2016

So many promises and assurances which never turn to be true, if he try to dilute further would be wiser if he hangs off his boots and walk towards exit door. Lets wait until there is further information from them.

08:14 24/05/2016

It is hard to see Providence doing a share issue to raise over one hundred million euro. The funding deal surely is a farmout of some sort, and most likely of Barryroe. Perhaps our old friends Sequa

06:28 24/05/2016

The obligation to keep us informed is a legal one. So afraid they cant shirk that just because shares are suspended. Tho they might do it in a sly manner such as they did with the court case. Ie one line on their website somewhere.

04:56 24/05/2016

I guess we don;t really know if Melody called the loan or not, as I don;t think there is any obligation to keep us informed while shares are suspended. Sounds to me it's going to be another couple of week till we hear anything - good or bad!

14:44 23/05/2016

I think the situation is that a funding deal is being worked on for Barryroe, and if this does not work out, then Lansdowne will have to do a rights issue. They are putting that in place now, as there will not be time to do so, if the funding deal falls through. Needless to say the funding deal must be for Barryroe, and hopefully that funding deal has something to do with the one hundred million euro mentioned yesterday by the Sunday Business Post. We will find out soon enough, but everyone in both Providence and lansdowne will be hoping that the funding deal can be put in place, otherwise it will be a share issue for both companies.

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