QPP Stream Log

08:40 28/04/2014

Fundamentals-UNCHANGED. fTSE LISTING - going ahead. USA roadshow - GOING Ahead. KPMG don't audit companies how they want to.. its the first thing accountants say 'we are doing your books the way we want to' I know this because my father has been in the profession for 20 years and I even asked him about it on the weekend! Fidelity, M&G AND invested are not mugs are they... cOME ON guys. this is a short attack, nothing more...

08:40 28/04/2014

exciteing but scarey at the same time this

08:39 28/04/2014


08:35 28/04/2014

bloody HL didnt fill my 17p had to requote

08:30 28/04/2014

3rd Auction

08:28 28/04/2014

its like watching my life pass by very quickly

08:26 28/04/2014

sell I managed to top up at 20p ,can not beleive what is happening over one artical

08:23 28/04/2014

topped up at 20p and thought I was being clever well it looks like I got that wrong!

08:20 28/04/2014

no stamp duty with AJ Bell this morning

08:19 28/04/2014

auction again