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Fundamentals-UNCHANGED. fTSE LISTING - going ahead. USA roadshow - GOING Ahead. KPMG don't audit companies how they want to.. its the first thing accountants say 'we are doing your books the way we want to' I know this because my father has been in the profession for 20 years and I even asked him about it on the weekend! Fidelity, M&G AND invested are not mugs are they... cOME ON guys. this is a short attack, nothing more...
exciteing but scarey at the same time this
bloody HL didnt fill my 17p had to requote
its like watching my life pass by very quickly
sell I managed to top up at 20p ,can not beleive what is happening over one artical
topped up at 20p and thought I was being clever well it looks like I got that wrong!
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