QPP Stream Log

15:47 28/04/2014

take your pick!

15:47 28/04/2014

yeah DOR, GDL

15:44 28/04/2014

hi, well done - i'm no good at this game!

15:43 28/04/2014

good stuff paul, i had a go on friday and got 24.5p

15:42 28/04/2014

Looks good for a few around here though

15:42 28/04/2014

No funds bob! Was just joking about the 500k buy

15:41 28/04/2014

yep definitely don't buy into QPP. it's heading for the FTSE 250 and EK and his scumbags were so desperate they resorted to illegality to get their losses back.

15:40 28/04/2014

this is the whole point. it only takes 3% of morons to convince 2% of investors to sell and the snowball has started. they know that too which is why these scumbags just plant the seeds then sit back and watch it fall. shocking.

15:35 28/04/2014

with these 500k buys at around 19 you'd hope we have support here and the only way is up!

15:34 28/04/2014

another director buy - investegate.co.uk/quindell-plc--qpp-/rns/director-pdmr-shareholding/201404281531406860F/

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