QPP Stream Log

16:49 29/04/2014

MMX could do really well

16:49 29/04/2014

MMX will pop soon

16:49 29/04/2014

QFI already done 500%+ in the past 6 months?

16:48 29/04/2014

start with 1k, hold until you make 2% and sell. do that 500 times and you got a million

16:48 29/04/2014

QFI going to go ballistic soon

16:47 29/04/2014

OBT though, complete change in business direction. See you in June for an update

16:47 29/04/2014

profit is profit! If you exited with 30% profit every time you'd be happy!

16:46 29/04/2014


16:46 29/04/2014

OBT - Obtala Resources

16:45 29/04/2014

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