QPP Stream Log

13:48 01/05/2014

they can buy my sharesif they want for a £1 a share mm

12:47 01/05/2014

ye every time I click on their link it takes me to a page where ( suprise,suprise) i can subcribe for a fee,

12:14 01/05/2014

put it high put low but we all know which eay its going to go

12:01 01/05/2014

as long as the ship is steady im happy for now

09:20 01/05/2014

Anyone read shares mag? Couldn't be anymore bullish

07:26 01/05/2014

The Board of Quindell Plc (AIM: QPP.L) has been informed that Tim Scurry, Group Chief Executive Officer - Solutions Division, a Person Discharging Managerial Responsibility (PDMR) of the Company, purchased 100,000 Ordinary Shares of 1 penny each at a price of 25.3 pence per share on 30 April 2014.

20:56 30/04/2014

Velo: You are completely inhcoherrent.

16:40 30/04/2014

hopefully Quiny and Blnx will be back to thier proper levels within a couple of months

16:38 30/04/2014

hopefully Quinny and Blinkuy should be back to where they belong soon

16:36 30/04/2014


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