Hi guys had a traffic accident on Saturday on the M1 motorway an old woman hit the rear of the car we were travelling at 60 mph bang into the back it larch the car forward The inpack was bad my wife had to be cut free, if her car had been fitted with this black box it would have registered what speed she crash into us, I ask her what was you doing looking in the fields, I don't no what happened was her reply, I would like to thank all the emergency services, Fire Police and ambulance they do an amazing job 24 7 This black box is needed
Exactly, this isn't about the companies it is about opportunity to short and make money.
I'm over 50 1 stoke down and planning no funeral apart form the shorts
Hi all the emergency services where first class cutting my wife free will be saying thank you to all the guy fire, Police and ambulance put in a big order with Thorntons hope they like chocolates
Hi I had a traffic accident on the M1 Motorway yesterday the emergency services where fire class my wife had to be cut free with back injury the cause was an elderly lady speeding and crash into us as we where travelling at 60 miles an hour I wish we had this black box it would have monitored what speed she was doing I would like to buy this black box
Shares should automaticly owned by the buyer.If a shorter wants any to short permission from the holder should be sought in every case.
this time next year well be Millionaires rodney,i hope
80p I would take it,house needs doing up
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