QPP Stream Log

09:46 28/05/2014

ws - of course it would, it is the said shorters that are holding the price down, once they leave it goes up, it's nothing to do with trust or fundamentals, it's all about the bears

09:23 28/05/2014

Can't get anything through HL this morning

09:19 28/05/2014

I purchase shares at three different prices equaled at 27 this split shares I will do more research because they will have to give 2for1 is prudential getting a good price for their pension fund investors

09:18 28/05/2014

Finally got some more at 19.49. Happy days!

09:12 28/05/2014

question, how long do people see this share at around 19p before it starts to go up? iv'e never owned a share that has been shortened or manipulated so much.

09:03 28/05/2014

also Tom Dickithrift has posted another nonsense article around RT. This guy is as annoying as Gotham.

09:02 28/05/2014

Eire - yes you're right - I advise dumping your shares to me for 15p each now to save you all that worry.

09:00 28/05/2014

Each time the price drops back I try to buy but can't get a price. This happened yesterday as well. It's so bloody annoying!!

08:41 28/05/2014

Can the genuine long term posters on here tell me if there is any likelihood of another raid by the criminals before next week?

08:27 28/05/2014

google cars,what happens when you get a virus?