what's the lowest this can go over the next week in people's opinions? 17p?
I'm referring to my spelling mistake about Blinkx - sorry for any confusion!
Ian H - it should drive the share price up in theory but it's often not strongly - Blinkx suffered the same type of shorting attack as QPP has. In November Blinkx shares were £2.30. They dropped to a low of, I think, about 58p. The shorts are all closed not but the share price is only back unto 79p. Great if you bought at 59p but not very good if you bought over £1 as I did!
Jimbo - i'm on the spreads. again. having just about survived Gotham though they cleaned me out. This really is last chance saloon.
Jester and Alpha - thank you very much for the responses. Fingers crossed! I have huge hopes long term but short term I'd be happy with main market and 30-35p. Then sit tight.
IanH - when shorters close they have to buy back the shares that they've borrowed and sold. They need to buy them back to give them back to whoever they borrowed them from. Therefore it should drive the share price up strongly (although they would probably do it bit by bit so as not the cause a sharp spike - it's naturally in their interest to buy them back at the cheapest level possible).
I'm opening myself to ridicule here but can someone explain whenRoble and the big shorters start to close out, does this drive the SP up or down? Be really grateful if someone could explain because even a temporary dip to 15p means i'm in trouble.
Have no idea why people are worrying on here - a week today we announce main listing so what's the worry? That there will be one more raid down to 10p?
topped up at 19.49 - getting my average down under 30 now. Sitting tight for future good news and steady climb back to what a reasonable market valuation should be
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