QPP Stream Log

16:20 28/05/2014

Average slowing creeping down now to 27 hence still underwater (but only on paper)

16:20 28/05/2014

Hi just about to write my will unfortunately it's about 10 pages long was going to share with you be after the first paragraph you might get a little bored

16:20 28/05/2014

Bought another £2k at 19.09

16:11 28/05/2014

Anyone selling below 19 should be put in stocks and rotten tomatoes thrown at them I'll be the first anyone got any rotten tomatoes

16:10 28/05/2014

I hope RT is better under pressure than his brother

16:08 28/05/2014

why???? if the shorters do nothing it stays or goes up, if they buy back it goes up - why on earth is this going down????

16:05 28/05/2014

this is a joke, having to top up yet again

15:23 28/05/2014

The reason we are here is the stock market is down with most shares

12:01 28/05/2014

Looks like I bought too soon this morning. Wish I had some cash left!

11:56 28/05/2014

Jimbo - I agree about 4 weeks time but as I'm on the spreads another bot attack really concerns me and wondering what the worst case scenario could be - agree its all speculation but many of you are more clued up than me so may be able to give your own opinion