Forever falling you can tell jealous idiots in to high or missed boat another one ta ta idiots
My21...jolly you go lads pathetic both turned on que.hmm boring
Hi Qpp Baby baby hold on there's a second orbit, Mars and then Jupiter
RE:20P looking at the charts we have been in an uptrend since about the 13th June and 20p is possible ,note i'm no expert at charts but that is what I think.GLA AND HOPE WE ARE BACK TO NORMALITY
just hope tomorrow at the AGM nothing is said as such could be twisted against us as it would not take much at the moment to take us down again,its like snakes and ladders,and yes I am here for the long term,iv'e just had my nerves tested here.GLA
Robbo, I agree with IanH...why lie? It is pathetic!
robbo why do you post that every day - get off here you idiotic child
Being QPP, this has just as much chance of dropping to 14p as it does of rising to 25p.
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