just wondering why Vodafone didn't go for QPP being british and doing rather over here ?
"Analysts here at the Motley Fool have identified a share that we believe has the potential to nearly double profits within the next four years." LOL!!!! Wow, nearly double. And in four years eh? Awesome. My pet cat could do that.
I agree. Half this debacle is down to negative press coverage - now we're guaranteed it forever. RT needs to be replaced and now.
as much as I wish TW serious pain, his latest article does seem to have a point - I for one would hope we are not pinning too many hopes onto this 'deafness' nonsense which is just a craze and like whiplash won't last long. Thoughts?
Boxa I like that comment Shorters are a bit like herpes,
Hi Qpp & Q 007 cannot attend but will be sending Miss Money Penny please look after her
city feedback - so basically same old AIM nonsense till Jan 2015 - more good news, more scaremongering, more short attacks likely whenever sp gets towards 35-40.
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