posts like 'a tick down looks likely' just baffles me when today is the one day of the year it should be going up!!
Even I was hoping for 21p today, make a small profit, then come back in again. i've learnt not to just build a huge long position due to great fundamentals, because twice now the shorters have cleaned me out
Robbie - i'm on the spreads, been cleaned out twice, different ball game to simply holding shares and it just being a 'paper loss'. i'm more than aware shorters are stil lsniffing around and will try and manipulate anything abd everything from todays AGM
boom...buys wiped that 17.75 chance....holing 18 nicely atm
can anyone update on L2 please? are we at all likely to break 19p today?
Major stakeholders still extremly happy. No clients lost as a result of Gotham report. Deals continue to be signed - BEST NEWS ALL DAY
of course - he's a confident, egotistical man. hardly surprising!
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