QPP Stream Log

11:53 19/06/2014

IanH....they are smarter than us Ian, but I agree with you I cannot explain it

11:51 19/06/2014

why are the shorters still holding? can anyone answer that? i just don't get it?

11:46 19/06/2014

alpha - I agree I just still don't see how quick good news does nothing, quick bad news sees the SP plummet!

11:41 19/06/2014

and yet SP is not moving. one really does wonder...

11:31 19/06/2014

can they use that £3m to just buy more shares? a £3m buy would nudge this up to 20+

11:27 19/06/2014

L2 rising nice and slowly

11:23 19/06/2014

every vote is 99%?!! is it just TW waving a white flag?!

11:22 19/06/2014

still don't get why they are doing it - fewer shares for idiots to short, plus better for US listing??

11:22 19/06/2014

me too ff - can't help but think this makes SP movements far more volatile - and not in a good way.

11:20 19/06/2014

damn it consolidation went through