QPP Stream Log

15:10 23/06/2014

bid going up

13:33 23/06/2014

K3VMC - have posted a comment under that dreadful article.

13:04 23/06/2014

I pity no-one who plays an active part in destroying people's livelihoods, then cries to the teacher when his own business is being attacked. If you haven't got the minerals, then don't play.

10:40 23/06/2014

struggling to buy now

10:34 23/06/2014

240 paid

10:33 23/06/2014

recoverying well

10:32 23/06/2014

2015 Forecasts that'l put cat amongst the pigeons.GLA

10:23 23/06/2014

He posts libellous untruths about QPP for his own financial gain. Yet cries when bad reviews of his own cesspit appear. Am amazed no-one has petrol bombed it. Wonder who he is insured with?!

10:16 23/06/2014

285p = 19p that would be far more accurate

10:15 23/06/2014

this should be sitting at 280, never mind 240.