QPP Stream Log

15:50 14/07/2014

so we're almost where we were pre consolidation.....

15:47 14/07/2014

dropping to 240p

15:36 14/07/2014

250p then back down to 244p

15:30 14/07/2014

i'm loving today but it's 16p guys. some of these comments should be reserved for 600p. not 242p.

15:23 14/07/2014

eye popping

15:04 14/07/2014

the shorts aren't closing at all where are people getting this from?

14:36 14/07/2014

I hope that the shorters have just woken up from the gutters they lie in and still have to buy back

13:26 14/07/2014

Please get to 300p and I can be gone!

12:01 14/07/2014

Robbie - yes I know just know that the divs will try and spin it and say its made up and push their usual filth viral saying its all a con, etc

11:52 14/07/2014

worries me that everyone is here dancing like we're at 1000p. been here many times before since march