QPP Stream Log

09:23 16/07/2014

Looks so cheap but isn't tempting me with other sectors doing so well

09:23 16/07/2014


09:22 16/07/2014

this is it till aug 21

08:53 16/07/2014

There is little point in fretting over every second's share price move: the make up of the share register, the amount of stock on loan, the number of day-traders all makes for a volatile price which will move intra day and inter day. The one thing you can say on a medium term view is that the price is wrong. If the shorters/ critics view is shown to be right the price has a long way to fall- at the worst case to zero. If the company/ fans view is right (and by this I mean very strong cash generation in Q4 and no need for a capital raise in the interim) the price should be a long way north of here- at least £10. Even being generous to the critics if you apply a 50% chane to them being right the risk-weighted price is £5. You can put your own prices in and apply your own risk weightings- but the point remains- this is not a stock for widows and orphans but one that has a high degree of risk. Even so the benefits, to my mind, greatly outweigh the risks- the stock is wrongly priced. I am buying more, and will do so every time the stock lurches down. By the way, the critics are entitled to their view- launching silly abusive campaigns against journalists who don't agree with your point of view always reflects badly.

17:21 15/07/2014

what did it finish at today? conflicting prices!!!

16:23 15/07/2014

I don't see how this can ever get to 250 again before Aug 21? someone help me!

16:02 15/07/2014

you're a lying haw

15:56 15/07/2014

might get holding news tomorrow

15:54 15/07/2014

is that it now till Aug 21?

15:54 15/07/2014

thats what we were told - July 21

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