QPP Stream Log

14:38 16/07/2014

Very good point. You basically need a results day, a director buy, a share buy back and a take over rumour all in the space of two weeks - then they will be gone.

14:07 16/07/2014

Up 20p are you? So you bought at 175p? When was that exactly?

13:53 16/07/2014

anyone not a member here before April should just be banned. ridiculous amount of numpties apeparing every time the price goes down, onbiously eing paid 1p per word to do their dirty work on here. absolutely shocking.

13:24 16/07/2014

Got to be a share buy back soon

11:20 16/07/2014

Paople like Yu and TW make me sick with their hypocrisy. Make a living out of cheating, scamming, frauding, stealing from decent people who lose their life savings, then cry like a little baby when they get threats. What do they expect? Live by the sword, die by the sword, and if you haven't go the minerals for it then stop whining like a child.

10:56 16/07/2014

when are the dividends paid?

10:50 16/07/2014

because until cashflow is proven they CAN. once cashflow is proven, then al lthe big boys will be on this and even EK and Yu can't control that.

09:41 16/07/2014

Another 26 trading days before H1 results released - quite frankly anything could happen between 150-250 here at any given time

09:38 16/07/2014

love how all the derampers are out in force now but were nowhere on Monday - disgusting

09:33 16/07/2014

share buy back imminent?

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