QPP Stream Log

16:22 21/07/2014

clearly this is just a days rest for the scum. they'll be back tomorrow.

15:36 21/07/2014

I still don't really see how QPPSAG wil stop shorters doing their thing, or stop it ever coming out that QPP have no cashflow!!

14:14 21/07/2014

yes SP will plummet another 10% at least. shorters will mop up the new shares for fun. hence me constantly asking for a QPP buyback.

13:48 21/07/2014

I still need this to go up 30%

12:15 21/07/2014

I think it might go up later, then again it may go down. With such volatility, how can anyone predict where this is going and substantiate it.

10:48 21/07/2014

scwer the dividend, get a buyback going and lets get to 250

09:23 21/07/2014

QPPSAG 7%, Shorters 10% - and shorters completely in control of SP. What happened to the buyback?

19:51 20/07/2014

More for me tomorrow, so many knockers makes me sure we are on a good thing with qpp.

16:07 17/07/2014

Going to finish sub-190, right back to where we were a week ago

16:06 17/07/2014

we need share buy back next week, new US contracts the week after, then the H1 results.

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