REM Stream Log

16:42 16/02/2015

39.31% of several $ Billion. Nice!

16:38 16/02/2015

16 February 2015 Rare Earth Minerals Plc. ("Rare Earth Minerals", "REM" or "the Company") REM increases strategic holding in Bacanora Minerals to 13.30% Rare Earth Minerals (AIM: REM) announces that it has now increased its shareholding in Bacanora Minerals Limited ("Bacanora"), from 12.65% to 13.30% through further market purchases totaling £314,988. This interest, when aggregated with REM's 30% direct interest in Megalit S.A de CV (the company holding the Buenavista, Megalit and San Gabriel concessions) and the 30% direct interest in Mexalit S.A de CV (the company holding El Sauz, El Sauz 1, El Sauz 2, Fleur and Fleur 1 concessions), results in a total economic interest in each of these companies of 39.31%.

09:25 16/02/2015

[link] Apple "is" making iCar

07:09 16/02/2015

[link] Kalipak potable Battery Solar Pack

18:23 15/02/2015

Be nice to get a divided every year...

13:56 15/02/2015

[link] Tesla Battery Home Packs

12:40 15/02/2015
10:35 13/02/2015

I'm a BCN share holder as well as a Remmer so will be canvassing the BCN board to get on with the consultation of share holders to approve DL coming onto the board. All in favour say "Aye", !! Aye, Aye, Aye,Aye, Aye, Aye,Aye, Aye, Aye,Aye, Aye, Aye,Aye, Aye, Aye,Aye, Aye, Aye.

10:33 13/02/2015

Anyone think Lithium will get traded on the Commodity Markets?

10:25 13/02/2015

[link] Europe's biggest battery wind farm to slash bills across Northern Ireland
