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15:55 06/05/2014

The discussion boards are almost as quiet as the BHR board at the moment. When nothing happens there isn't much to discuss really. I haven't known it this quiet before though. Roll on the next RNS which should hopefully bring with it some good news for us all.

18:33 05/05/2014

Champion05 sell all you have then buy back at .36

14:32 30/04/2014

So no quarterly report is required now they are no longer listed on the ASX. That's not a problem to me at all as I'd rather they didn't wheel out the usual flannel they have given us recently. I would rather they reported news when it is news and not the regurgitated stuff from last year. Though it is time they had the due diligence tied off for the senior debt facility and confirmed what they are doing with their new train set.

11:37 30/04/2014

mmm something not right here... why is the short still going? very strange - and not in a good way

16:39 29/04/2014

Hang on in there Breezy. It is very difficult to know what to do here. It's either a very good opportunity to buy cheap and get those averages down or it's crackers just throwing money at a lame horse. I really can't call it at the moment as my sentiments change on a daily basis. The directors still aren't buying at this level so does that speak volumes? I really don't know. This new finance bod could have some contacts in high finance, who knows? not you and I that's for sure. Keep checking in from time to time, it's good to know you're still with us. All the very best (and I mean that) idg69

16:19 29/04/2014

I noticed that the Darwin short is still open; not good, do they know something, however I think they may have a bottom cap on the conversion, still as a company we really need to get those paracites of our backs. I've heard lots about the RNS due tomorrow and there isn't one due, quarterely reports were a market requirement of the ASX and not the LSE, probably a good thing because if the BOD issue yet another 'significant progress is being made' ,we are confident that' ' due dilligence continues' ' we strive to be a teir one producer' ' negotiations are taking place' - I think you get my drift but I'll likely jump through the nearest window out of sheer frustration at the BOD's ineptitude to make progress, any RNS issues that does not contain concrete definitive factual statements will cause the SP to suffer even at this dismal price! Having one of those p!ssed off and frustrated days if you can't tell )

15:42 29/04/2014

There appears to be a little more green on my watch list today except for that bing chunck of red in the middle called BHR. Frustration doesn't even begin to cover how I feel about this stock. The percentage drops appear to be really big on the most insignificant of trading volume, how can this be? I hope the next RNS/new flow from the company is good and we start to see an upward trend. I'd like to have more confidence in this outfit and top up/average down whilst the price is this low but I can't bring myself do do it for fear of throwing good money after bad.

10:50 28/04/2014

Darwin well and truly shafted us all here! fraid to say there may be no way back... what a shambles from what was once a great company with real expectations of becoming a great company

10:49 28/04/2014

1/4 report cannot contain those things - would have to be notified by rns first!!

09:59 28/04/2014

less than 1M traded doesnt sound to me like there is any interest is buying or selling....30 to 1 of nothing is nothing....