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09:00 14/10/2014

so are we like sitting ducks waiting to get consumed?

08:47 14/10/2014

whats going on now?

16:36 13/10/2014

lol - Good luck idg69 - And the rest of us!

16:33 13/10/2014

Welcome aboard. I wouldn't be nervous with 2.5m at this price. If it's any consolation I paid just shy of £15,000 for my 1st tranche of 500,000 BHR shares and my 3m have cost me just shy of £31,000 in total. Trust me when I say I am the nervous one!

16:27 13/10/2014

I just bought 2.5m shares... nervous!!

16:26 13/10/2014

BHR is not a London Mining (famous last words) somebody out there knows something for this level of trading 3 days on the bounce. People are obviously taking their positions before the dancing starts. The next trigger from .2 can only be the debt facility news.

16:17 13/10/2014

OR this could end up like London Mining - suspended? Sorry for sounding too skeptical but is it a possbility?

16:11 13/10/2014

faridameen - No problem at all. Happy to offer my take on things. Do bare in mind though that I started this journey at 2.8p in Aug 13 (now averaged down to 1.03p) so I have a different view to anyone starting out now at .18p. Anyone buying in under .2p should make some good money in the short to medium term if the debt facility news comes through. It could double in a day on that news alone, though where it will be long term is anyones guess. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

15:53 13/10/2014

idg69 - Thanks for that mate...

15:43 13/10/2014

faridameen - I cannot stress enough with BHR that you need to do your homework and fully understand the position BHR are in right now. Massive risk V moderate gain. This is not going to do a London Mining and shoot up to 3, 4 or 5 pence. I'd like to think it would with the money I've got sunk into this but the reality is it won't. The BoD have consistently delivered late and have run this share price into the ground with massive dilution over the last 12-18 months with a load more dilution to come and that's even if/when the SDF is scured and signed of for the 20m they need for the washplant upgrade. They need another 17m on top of that for operational/infrastructure requirements. Tread carefully, do your research, don't believe what the BoD say and don't put in more than you are prepared to lose. Advice over and out! If you do join this merry band, don't expect plain sailing.