Taylor Wimpey - TW Stream Log

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10:10 01/08/2014

how after a result like that can it drop below pre results! the markets are all a big manipulation!

10:10 01/08/2014

I dont really understand it either

10:08 01/08/2014

You couldn't make this share up could you. Share price at the moment is mental. Strong books yet a drop - makes perfect sense to me - not

13:57 30/07/2014

anybody tell me when you have to be on board for the big divi?

09:23 30/07/2014

Does anybody know when the shares have to be held to get the big divi.

14:30 09/07/2014


19:35 03/07/2014

got mine

10:17 03/07/2014

I have checked and i have not had my divi paid yet.

09:16 03/07/2014

Im holding - think there are highs to be had here

15:05 02/07/2014

no worries
