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23:20 01/10/2015

Notice:: watch out for people who want you to sell! The obvious reason, they lie about valuation of the great humpy gusher coming. Hold fast. Call me when it up 10 times current sp.

18:39 30/09/2015

Fogl going to 27 by Friday. My rating at 100% requires this for my "super ego." Dr Anabell the geologist can't answer why these humpy ancient lake were once fresh water! Clue: Let's play borgo's game, to keep it interesting. The Panthalassic Sea dr Annabell believes at high tide 250 million years ago the Panthalassic Sea water overflowed a narrow strip of land where it flowed into the Zerchstein Sea and evaporated leaving an ancient salt formation the goes from England to Poland, . It is 6,000 feet of mangeneez chloride, 10,000 feet down. Strange gypsum is thr first to fall , halite next, something you over educated do is provide a fudge factor , no called an enabling assumption so the research dollars keep coming. The big lie, the Panthalassic Sea wasn't salt water. Guess where the fresh water came from? The P------ O---- was fresh water 250 million years ago!

18:12 30/09/2015

A red herring is what the Indians had one of there members drag along the opposite direction the tribe was escaping toward, whereby throwing the dogs off the trail.in this situation nbl must be talking to Argentina for a pipeline to their shore and not able to this vast oil 1.5 million barrels per hvcc on "the slow boat to Aberdeen,."give the $10 per barrel to Argentina for every barrel moved in the pipe, all Diomedia and Hersl-- 5 billion barrels. Ship it right to Argentina,'s refinery. Nbl. Your red herring is being eaten by every one on this board. There a smart group.tell Anabel ,the geologist he is " obsolete", and must read my research on independent.academa.edc, ref John Delano "The Origin of Mountains- The Ice Flow Theory." Ask your self this question. Why does the precursor to the oil in zee, Issa and now humpy have " fresh water plant fossils?"why is the humpy sulfur 2.2 suffer and heavy like the Dan of the Bay of Campeche oil of Mexico? Good luck, your 3D seismic work people did a great job. John Delano, author

17:58 30/09/2015

Girls , bongo in long white dresses is the "long" , depth of the 3 ancient oil bearing sands.

17:59 29/09/2015

If the oil has 2.2 sulfur and is "heavy" the single slow boat to Aberdeem is not feasible. The DNA of humpy oil should be like heavy sulfur oil found in the bay of Campeche ,Mexico. This fact kills my 100 times massive upside in selling price, but it proves mt "origin of Mountains- The Ice Flow Theory" I have worked on for 44 years.

17:53 29/09/2015

Fogl needs Argentina! The "add-on " potential , 2 billion barrels plus in the Diomed ,and Hersl-- complex requires, pipelines to Argentina .

15:31 25/09/2015

40% of the 500 mil barrels is 200 mil, ,52 % of humpy's 520 mil barrels is 260 million barrels, added to the 261 million barrels at 12/31/14 that equals 🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅🌅700,000 barrels of sunshine, recoverable! At $3 a barrel in the ground, No Debt, No Interest expense, 35 years to develope the oil fields, and what do you have? I get a market , enterprise value of 2 and 1/2 billion! Devise that by 500 million shares outstanding, and you get in US dollars $5.00 a share. Thank you God. Pope Francis did it for us. Let's turn or cheeks to the pampers and dumpers on this board. Cheeks? Oh yea the phonies can kiss them.

15:19 25/09/2015

They will give folk 4 million $ for not drilling? Pmo and rockhopper, will give 4 million $ and that's more than 10 % of the cash Fogl has. The 10% rise in price is for the money, now how about the " black gold " Fogl is sitting on?

12:31 25/09/2015
10:07 25/09/2015

PMO up nicely this morning
