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11:36 24/11/2014


13:44 12/11/2014

Be good to get an announcement soon.......Does anybody believe this maybe on its way once the US markets are open or will we still be in for a bit of a ride until general sale?

08:18 12/11/2014
08:17 12/11/2014

Gents, apologies if this has been posted before, first time here but I believe this is the product spec of the T-POD.

13:17 11/11/2014

HA HA "not long now..." brigade have been saying that for the last couple of years - define "long" you idiots.......long in relation to what - the creation of the universe!!! lol

12:31 11/11/2014


12:31 11/11/2014

what is needed? - ha - the only thing this needs is to be put out of its misery!!! SELL SELL SELL

12:25 11/11/2014

SELL SELL SELL before its too late

12:25 11/11/2014

who in their right mind would be buying into this crock - - surely the shareprice is an indication of the direction this is going

12:24 11/11/2014

ready for launch and just look at the share price - tells even the slowest ones amongst you where this is heading - and its not up!! cash in now imho and preserve what little you have left......xel will be booming long before this duff of a share......go xel!!!

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