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20:27 11/12/2014

Not long now

13:56 11/12/2014

Simple ever home in the uk needs a tv licence in it so these no argument I can not wait to get my new christmas toy if suzi will give me it not long now

13:24 11/12/2014

Hi guys i,ve just ordered suzi a portable device here today for when she goes back in hospital our order number is over a thousand 100 it's looking good

09:34 11/12/2014

Pity the fools holding this one! You've been shafted IMHO

09:33 11/12/2014

Crock of Sh!te

16:57 10/12/2014

Going to buy mine tomorrow can not wait bring it on not lomg now

14:43 10/12/2014

Nice big buy at ten k need loads more like this

09:08 10/12/2014

Wow just logged in to check on the sp - well after us and uk launch the sp doesn't look too healthy now does it the market has reacted and given a huge thumbs down to this company and its product. Get out now while you still can IMHO

06:42 10/12/2014

Boom time on its way not long now

17:17 09/12/2014

Most of the major investors have upped there shares this week that's got to be great news

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