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08:31 17/12/2014

This so has been battered and let down by the incompetence of the bod that I fear we are on a death spiral into administration that is now too far gone to reverse no matter what news is released - I doubt a tie in to apple would reverse the fortunes here IMHO

08:12 17/12/2014

Can only sell for 0.0133 all morning. Going down imho

08:10 17/12/2014

Omg the spike was 0.014. Oh dear doesn't bode well said for months that this will never ever get back to 0.03 game over imho

07:54 17/12/2014

Sell the spikes buy the lows - all this co is good for

07:48 17/12/2014

Sell at 0.016 spike then buy back in a couple of hours at 0.013 imho

16:11 16/12/2014

I think you will find that Mtv will do a massive buy back over a few years to many big boys invested here behind the scenes And it will mtv rateing good as well not long now long live mtv

13:24 16/12/2014

What's the panic early days just like Len said it's going to take time to build that massive wave not long now

08:39 16/12/2014

0.0125 on its way - when that is breached, look out!

08:38 16/12/2014

Utter garbage - the company, the product and especially the share price. Hang your heads in shame bod

18:52 12/12/2014

As i said I ordered my partner one yesterday and our order number was over 1088. So selling well in four days long live Mtv not long now hope suzi loves it

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