Motive Television - MTV Stream Log

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20:20 27/12/2014

the non portable one could you not plug this in to your sky box anybody look forward to your replay keith

11:25 24/12/2014

Happy christmas to all my dongle has just arrived as well look forward to use this now go fot Mtv

09:05 23/12/2014

Reassessing my prediction for this share - I initially said that it would never get back above 0.03 no truly believe that it will never rise and hold above 0.02 get out on the next spike is my advise - I think administration is coming- bod have diluted this into receivership IMHO

15:31 22/12/2014

As I have posted on there way tomorrow now get real i,ve had my email from them

15:05 22/12/2014

I have just received a email to say amerson are releasing the stock today so my order will be on its way keith not long now happy christmas guys and girls

16:50 21/12/2014

Has anybody had there Mtv dongle yet as I am still waiting for mine

19:23 20/12/2014

Short and very sweet

19:22 20/12/2014

not long now

19:21 20/12/2014

Now we should be doing our bit and posting it all over facebook and Twitter ever shareholder on here should do the bit and look after there investment now get posting

08:39 20/12/2014

Bergan was/is a nightmare death spiral deal

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