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21:42 02/01/2015

All you lot who have brought the dongles should put your experance ,s about it on facebook tablettv uk. So others can read about who may be intresed in this product as I have done being a share holder now come on let's start putting it about as we have them keith

13:10 02/01/2015

I think in the long term Mtv will do a buy back to many big boys involed with this share when they rack in the money the buy back will begin watch this space not long now

09:39 02/01/2015

cr@p tech, cr@p share price, cr@p bod, diluted into oblivion

09:36 02/01/2015

As so the Bergan death spiral continues

20:30 01/01/2015

Hi guys my partner is in hospital and this dongle works brill my partner can kiss goodbye to ten pound per day tv in the robbing hospitals this is going to make a killing for Mtv plus all the add on long live mtv not long now in a week of care this has paid for itself what a investment

15:14 31/12/2014

Share price for 2015 in twelve months from now 1.99p. Per share boooom

15:13 31/12/2014

Booooom bring this on we are all on to a winner here boom

08:53 30/12/2014

Bought the dongle just to see how it worked - what a let down - found 60 odd channels but not one could be played "smoothly " without losing signal. Like the company and its share price- very dodgy imho

13:34 29/12/2014

The company has all ready told you lot this

21:54 28/12/2014

If you had a io box for your sky box the connected our main stunner up to it would that put sky on our tunner look forward your replay and works off the rf out two on the sky box any tech boys know thanks keith

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