0.01 will be here before the month is out IMHO
Heading for 50% loss in the week since consolidation - WOW!!!
Rinse and repeat has been turned up to fast spin - down 30% since Monday's consolidation- frightening - the end is nigh
Oh dear - Bergan win again - pity the pi's don't get the same treatment from the bod
Don't forget boys there also in bed with Google and other big names they are just making you jumpy my question is why have barclays,s not sold out and others backers they now the bigger picture is big we are only small fish in a massive pond they now this company is going to be very big
This will end the day down IMHO too much sugar coating to try to woo the investors - not a chance Len, heard it all b4
Used the dongle in three different locations now and still failed to recieve a decent watchable program in any of them , what a waste of money!!
The future is motive telivision not long now
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