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08:27 22/05/2015

Meeting/shmeeting just Len trying to raise cash for his holiday!

08:25 22/05/2015

Time to leave the stage once the fat Len sings

08:24 22/05/2015

Last rights being said this morning!

08:24 22/05/2015


08:14 22/05/2015


08:13 22/05/2015

It's a dead duck a busted flush - it is no more - the cash co for the board is coming to an end - it's time to put it out of its misery

20:19 21/05/2015

Massive news in morning who are we going to tie in with 4p party massive news a few hours away not long now booooooooooooooooooooom time

18:27 21/05/2015

Massive news awaits all mtv shareholders big time here in the morning not long now 4p club Apple tie up

13:23 21/05/2015

Massive news in morning game changer not long now 4p a share

08:00 21/05/2015


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