Amur Minerals Corporation - AMC Stream Log

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14:45 08/07/2015

Better luck elsewhere ramper! Could have gained 50% return on my investment today if I had proceeded with investing in EUA yesterday but too risky. It is very risky investing in Eastern European firms listed on AIM. It is a Wild West out there. Do your research before investing.

08:15 08/07/2015

Do not try to catch a falling dagger. You may get injured. The share price being re-corrected. Currently over priced due to ramping.

12:36 02/07/2015

Tell me about it!!!!!

07:53 30/06/2015

No new's? Do your research mate i think you'll find their is news.

22:17 29/06/2015

lads,consider Oxus Gold - look at their chart and place where they are atm (awaiting arbitration result from Paris courts). high risk, but big money to win.

15:57 29/06/2015

Well said whitelabel

15:49 29/06/2015

As long as the Russian authorites stay on the right side of AMUR then this stock has pure potential to reach the 40p mark again it just takes patience.!

14:41 23/06/2015

Regards for the posts bethany, pulseiw and takenoprisoners unlike many i am willing to hold on and ride the wave with this stock for its pure potential-if! The positive news continues over-wise could be pretty devastating.

14:15 23/06/2015

Mining sector has been dreadful in the UK on a whole. Did anyone buy amur around the 36 GBX price

14:37 22/06/2015

tom111 do you belive AMC going to advance the 44.58 mark

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