Amur Minerals Corporation - AMC Stream Log

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11:46 14/03/2016

check RNS in JLP !

13:59 01/03/2016

SBLM moving up again

13:56 22/02/2016

TRADERS leaving AMC... hopefully JLP will multibag next week/month on production news

23:53 08/12/2015

Fingers crossed for OXS tomorrow - recovery time

16:32 28/11/2015

watch WRES and VAST for next week

09:37 26/11/2015

...WRES bank loan RNS expected next week... AFPO style rerating...

13:01 25/11/2015

InvestorSoiree PXOG Prospex Oil (PXOG) Strikes While The Irons Hot [link]

13:14 12/11/2015

APC stock very very tight and undervalued at the Emex in London for the last 2 days.BIG TALK. A look into the future 14th NOV no less [link] To frack or not to frack: investing either way Hot tips if UK shale gas exploitation powers ahead... and if it doesn’t Robin Andrews 14 November 2015 APC Technology Group (7.25p) declare themselves to be a ‘provider of technologies developed to reduce energy consumption’: their time could be now. The group is profitable, although recent acquisitions have not worked well and will impact full-year results. But this seems to be recognised by the market, which only two years ago valued the shares at 65p. Following the appointment of a new managing director this looks like a recovery situation. And in such a confused energy landscape, we all need one of those.

09:24 12/11/2015

A look into the future 14th NOV no less [link] To frack or not to frack: investing either way Hot tips if UK shale gas exploitation powers ahead... and if it doesn’t....

09:22 04/11/2015

APC. multiple contracts no rns. [link] Oct 29, 2015 Advanced Power Components awarded UK franchise by TT Electronics (OPTEK Technology). Oct 26, 2015 APC awarded UK franchise by Libelium. Oct 22, 2015 Advanced Power Components awarded UK and Ireland franchise by Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG...

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