Amur Minerals Corporation - AMC Stream Log

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13:16 02/03/2017

news coming soon at CLP 14% up within 2 hr

15:19 16/11/2016

sold mine. that was quick profits. back to JLP for massive licence next mth

14:05 26/08/2016

AVN bid TALK Avanti Communications [link]

10:14 12/08/2016

7m buy in WRES... !

10:35 25/05/2016

Edison's note on Amur is up on Research Tree, free to access

10:34 25/05/2016

"Following its resource updates for Maly Kurumkon-Flangovy (MKFL) and Ikenskoe-Sobolevsky (IKEN) in April and May, respectively, on 10 May Amur announced the results of the process to similarly upgrade and refine the resource at Kubuk. Overall, the update demonstrated a 24.8% increase in mineralised tonnages at Kubuk to take the total resource at Kun-Manie to 740.1kt of contained nickel, or 982.7kt of nickel equivalent. The newly developed geological models for MKFL, IKEN and Kubuk were compiled by SRK in accordance with JORC..."

17:19 29/04/2016


07:23 29/03/2016


16:56 25/03/2016


14:56 17/03/2016

platinum up massive 4%... JLP slowly gatherin interest

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