Evening Breezy, LMI are dropping like a stone and I'm glad I'm not in it. They wiped out private investors BHR style with the last placing and then did a share split. They then went from 40p to £2.40 and have since fallen back. If we think the dilution at JLP has been bad just look at what LMI have done to their investors not once but many times. I think we can count ourselves lucky to be in at these levels with the future JLP have ahead of them. I can't help looking at that SOLG 12 month graph though - 3p to 46p in pretty much a straight line and still climbing, why wasn't that on my watch list. To think JLP could do that would be life changing - oh the thought of it. We can always dream can't we. Enjoy the sunshine my friend and wishing you well. idg69
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