DJI Holdings = The next PayPal/Apple/Microsoft/Facebook/Amazon. Why …? Peoples Republic of China [PRC] population nearly 1.4 Billion People. Probably the Worlds greatest gamblers. PRC government pushing Internet Plus using Broadband & 4G nationwide. Nine Hundred Million people [900M] now connected to Internet. Ninety Eight Percent [98%] to have 4G connections by end 2017. Smartphone usage up from 1.67 hrs/day to 2.36 hrs/day in 2015. 38 Billion Apps downloaded in 2015 DJI Investment in HSB/Longti targets forty million people in ONE Province. AGTech/AliBaba/Ant Financial all heavily invested in Chinese Lottery. Suspension of Lottery an advantage, proving myriad of uses for DJI platform. Suspension of Lottery an advantage, clearance of unlicensed competitors. Partners NewNet/Xinuatong/Xinhua News Mobile App Official Chinese Agency Partners PRC government, target is to host, qualify and win the Football World Cup. Shangdong Province, mobile lottery sale app, 15m lottery players T/O £1.75B 2014. Promo Partners China Mobile [62m] China Unicom [32m] China UP Bankcard [1.4b] Partnership signed in nine [9] of the ten [10] largest Provinces with Xinhua News App Xinhua Mobile News App payment of Gas, Elec, Water, MPhone top ups, traffic fines Xinhua Mobile News App launched June 2015 already has 120 Million Users. Xinhua Mobile News App users growing at Ten [10] Million a Month. Xinhua Mobile News App is an IMMEDIATE OPPORTUNITY. In 2014 RMB 4.3 Trillion [£475 Billion Pounds] was spent on Utility Bills. In 2014 RMB 614 Billion [£067 Billion Pounds] was spent on Mobile Phone Top up. In 2014 RMB 211 Billion [£023 Billion Pounds] was spent on paying Traffic Fines The outlook for 2016 and beyond. In 2014 90% of all aforementioned household bills were paid physically in a shop, a post office or on a bank terminal. New agreements signed in existing Provinces gives immediate access to seven hundred [700 million] million people. A China based company in Partnership with the Chinese Government with Chinese Nationals running the show. When will it fly …? Resumption of Sales of Lottery Tickets Nasdaq listing Quarter 3 of 2016. When to get in …? How about NOW.
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