StatPro Group - Re: SOG Stream Log - Panmure published a note this...

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10:13 06/06/2016

Panmure published a note this morning, it's on Research Tree: "StatPro hits the wire this morning announcing a banner deal in Australia. The client, unnamed, is spending £2.3m over a three year term. However, the even bigger news is that the client has committed to buying the new Revolution Performance module. Given that this does not see the light of day until Q3/2016 is a major endorsement for a yet-to-be-released product. This suggest to us: (i) StatPro is running an extensive beta programme under the covers; (ii) on launch day StatPro will be have a real life user and, (iii) this is a sign of real confidence not just by StatPro, but by a customer ensuring that they are ‘first in line’. "
