Fusionex - Re: FXI Stream Log - Panmure's note out this morning...

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10:58 01/06/2016

Panmure's note out this morning on Research Tree... "A barnstorming period punctuated by 32 new GIANT customers, 12 YOY, taking the total to 68, 25 YOY. EBITDA was dented due to the planned spend to RM7.2m, RM16.89m YOY. Positively; (i) Operating cash, post working capital, was RM5.82m, up from RM5.21m YOY despite lower levels of profitability, (ii) Fusionex improved cash collections and, (iii) following last year's fund raise there is no shortage of cash, RM124.91m. (iv) Fusionex talks about a substantial new business pipeline and, as expected, GIANT 2016 is on the cusp of it."
