Victoria Oil & Gas - Re: VOG Stream Log - I was too busy getting...

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17:12 02/05/2016


I completely agree shareholders have been led up the garden path far too long here with the jam tomorrow promises. VOG has been a litany of promises, failures, surprises and huge salaries for a minnow.

We have a BOD and directors big enough to run shell let alone a Cameroon Gas station. I would be up for getting rid of Foo as well.

16:44 02/05/2016

I was too busy getting my hair done on Saturday to attend what our man on the ground "Duffer" has so succinctly summarised as "jam for tomorrow.....for the benefit of the gullible." Not good enough Mr Foo. Your shareholders are fed up being led astray, the company's assets being wasted and VOG being plunged headlong into debt. In any other company, shareholders would demand a cull of those at the top. We need a change of leadership. Do other shareholders feel the same, and how do we call an extraordinary meeting to put this into effect? VOG investors should be rich now, not counting their losses. No excuses!
